I want to take us on a whistle-stop tour of the old testament prophecy of Habakkuk. Firstly, is it ever right to complain? It's never right to moan behind someone's back, but it can be okay to take legitimate complains to whoever we have a problem with. For example, if you don't like my writings, feel free to complain, and hopefully I'll take your complaint on board. Secondly, is it ever right to complain to God? After all, He is righteous, just, holy, good and perfect. Surely we have no right to complain to Him! God might be good, but the world is bad, and because He is sovereign, we can complain to Him about the state of the world and ask Him to do something about it. Habakkuk complained like this to God, and the Lord didn't tell Him off. Instead, God graciously answered Habakkuk. Most old testament prophets gave God's message to the people. Habakkuk is more of a conversation between Him and God, that we get to eavesdrop on, to be flies on the wall as it...