
 'Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. '

Galatians 6:2 NLT

We all face burdens in this life. We have sins that burden us. We have family responsibilities and work responsibilities. We have gospel needs that we seek to meet.

We’re not to face our burdens alone. Jesus told us to come to Him, all of us who are weary and heavy laden. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. We can leave the burden of our sins with Jesus, who’s dealt with them at the cross. He burdens us with the task of telling the world the good news of salvation in Him.

We’re to work together, helping each other take the burdens of our sins to the cross, and telling people the gospel as a team. If we’re finding things hard, our brethren should support us in prayer at the very least. The law of Christ isn’t just to love God, but to love one another.

One of the primary ways we can express love for one another is to bear one another’s burdens. It’s not enough to simply wish each other well. We need to practically help one another.

‘Father God, we’re mindful that there’s a sense in which we must bear our own burdens. Insofar as we can help one another though, please help us to do so. For Your glory we pray, amen.’


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