My story (1): Introduction

 I was born, of course, at a very early age! I'm so old that the Cold War hadn't even ended yet!

My parents, like most Brits of their generation, were from nominally Christian homes. Thankfully, each of them came to a real and living faith in the Lord Jesus; they met each other, married, and eventually (after two other sons) they had me.

So I was brought up in a Christian home, attending church from being a babe in arms. One of my earliest memories is sitting on my mum's knee and hearing a preacher talk about the return of Christ. I imagined being walked by mum in a pushchair when the end arrived.

To be honest, being well taught in the Bible made me a religious hypocrite. As the Bible says itself, 'knowledge puffs up'. I was proud of knowing most of the answers in church kids clubs, and arrogantly assumed I was a Christian who God must be pleased with.

Pride might be celebrated in the world today. Yet as far as God's concerned, it's the original sin that got lucifer kicked out of heaven (we know him better now as the devil). I thought I was singing from God's hymnsheet, but I was dancing to the devil's tune of self-righteousness.

Thankfully, God humbled me. But that's a story for next time.


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