
 ‭Psalms 23:1-3 NIV‬
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

The Lord being our Shepherd is humbling, not just for us, but for Him too. We might be spiritual sheep, but shepherds end up smelling like sheep and doing a job that's looked down on by the more well to do. The Lord might be the Sovereign of the universe, but He's happy to shepherd us too.

God isn't proud. He doesn't refuse to roll up His sleeves and get His hands dirty for us. He wants what's best for us.

As silly sheep spiritually who naturally wander, we should keep close to the Shepherd. We do so by meditating on His word and communing with Him by His Holy Spirit. We need to keep in step with Him.

God guides us along right paths. Even if it's through death valley, He will bring us safe through to the other side. We can go through to eternity with His help.

'Good Shepherd of our souls, please shepherd us safely to the new creation where we will dwell forever with You. For Your glory, amen'.


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