
 'In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, '

Ephesians 1:7

We all need to be 'in Him', that is, in Christ. We need redemption from slavery to sin that only He can provide. He's beaten the devil by His death and resurrection.

By the blood of Jesus, the price for our freedom has been paid. We're spiritually crucified with Christ: dead to sin and satan. We don't need to give in to temptation any more.

We all trespass God's law. We all do things we shouldn't. We all need forgiveness.

Thankfully, the Lord Jesus is rich in grace. He isn't stingy with His love, but pours it out upon us. He fills us with His Holy Spirit to conform us to His likeness.

'Our Heavenly Father, how grateful we are for Your Son, and all that we enjoy in Him. May we glorify Him in our lives, now and forevermore, amen'


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