
 ‭Proverbs 23:24 NLT‬
The father of godly children has cause for joy. What a pleasure to have children who are wise.

To be totally honest, I don't think I can testify to the truth of this verse yet. Godliness and wisdom don't come naturally. My five and three year olds, and six month old have yet to display much godliness and wisdom!

Having said the above, 'out of the mouths of children and infants, God has ordained praise'. It's wonderful when my children praise the Lord! I trust they will grow to be godly and wise women.

I hope this verse rings true for my own father! Certainly, two of his four children are walking with the Lord (myself included). Hopefully we'll all not just profess faith in God, but be godly and wise.

Godliness and wisdom isn't just about claiming to be a Christian. They're not just about talking the talk, but walking the walk. With the help of the Holy Spirit we can do this!

'Father in heaven, please help us to be godly and wise. Please forgive us for times we're not. Please help us to raise our children to worship You. In Christ's name, amen'.


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