
 ‭Matthew 6:19 NLT‬
“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal.

This is a countercultural command of the Lord here. The world says 'store up treasures here, invest in mothballs, rustproof your precious metals, lock up your valuables, bank in Switzerland!' Jesus says the opposite.

I don't think Jesus is necessarily saying we can't have savings, or mothballs, or locks and keys. What He is saying is that we shouldn't idolise such things. They are all of this world that is passing away.

Christ gives us a positive alternative: 'seek first the Kingdom of God'. We do so by giving to church, the poor and missionaries. In that way we're storing up treasures for ourselves in heaven.

We need an eternal perspective. This world is destined for destruction. Not even a nuclear bunker can save us in the end. Only faith in Jesus can keep us for eternity.

'Heavenly Father, please help us to get our priorities right, and invest in eternity rather than this lost and dying world. For Your glory we pray, amen'.


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