
 ‭Matthew 7:24 NLT‬

“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.

Jesus didn't want us just to be 'red letter' Christians, to only really take seriously His spoken words recorded in the gospels. On the Emmaus Road, He took two disciples on a whistle-stop tour of the old testament and claimed it was all about Him. The rest of the new testament is written by His Apostles, commissioned by Him who sent them out to make Him known.

So Jesus's teachings include the whole of the Bible. We're to follow it all. It all points to Him.

If we follow Scriptures, we're wise. We might not necessarily get a high IQ, but we'll have the wisdom to make good decisions in life. Spiritual wisdom isn't the same as intellectualism.

We either build our lives on the solid rock of Christ and His word, or else on the shifting sands of worldly wisdom. The only One who can help us weather the storms of life is the Lord Jesus. He can carry us even through the final storm of death.

'Heavenly Father, please help us to build our lives on Jesus and His word, and so to be wise. In His name we pray, amen'.


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