
 ‭Psalms 23:5-6 NIV‬
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

God provides for His people in the midst of the persecution they face. We proclaim the Lord's death until He returns, as we partake of the table where we eat bread and drink grape juice in memory of Christ. Similarly, His body was broken, and His blood was shed for us.

We're anointed with the Holy Spirit if we trust in Jesus. If we truly believe in Him, we will allow the Spirit to transform our lives. We don't continue in rebellion against God.

Even if we sometimes try to run away, God's goodness and mercy continue to pursue us. He doesn't give up on us even if from time to time, we might give up on Him. Our salvation depends on Him, not us thankfully.

We have a wonderful eternity to look forward to. If we trust in Jesus, we get to dwell with God for eternity. Nothing can separate us from His love.

God our Shepherd, please don't give up on us, even if we go astray. May we dwell with You for eternity. In Christ's name, amen'.


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