My Story (4): Insanity

 I agonised about what to do after uni, agonised that I made the wrong decision, and agonised myself into a psychotic episode.

I deluded myself that a friend from uni could be more than a friend, and became infatuated with her. When it became apparent that we were just friends, I also started thinking the end was nigh and that the world was about to end.

I wasn't sleeping or functioning well. I was in cloud cuckoo land. My parents tried to get me to take medication to settle me down, but I thought it would kill me before I was killed by a mob (!). When it didn't I overdosed, leaving a note to say they'd be better off without me.

Thankfully, I was taken to hospital where I recovered physically for a few weeks.

Emotionally, I was still a mess. I didn't like my medication, which I felt 'zombified' me. A few years later I came off the medication and had a relapse. That's for next time though.


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