I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” Psalm 16:2 ESV David could have counted his blessings and assumed that he had good apart from God. He had the kingdom of Israel at his fingertips. He was the commander in chief of Israel, a mighty warrior. He had wives and children in that polygamous society. One might have assumed that David didn't need God. He had everything he could wish for humanly speaking. Yet he never forgot where God had taken him from. David had been a humble shepherd boy when the Lord had him anointed as the next king of Israel. He knew that every good thing he enjoyed was ultimately a gift of God. He also knew that the Lord was his Shepherd: not just the inanimate Source of all goodness, but his good, good Father God in heaven. What of us? Are we so preoccupied with God's gifts that we're ungrateful for Himself? God forbid that we would be so blind to the reason we have anything to be thankful for at all. 'LORD, Yo...