
Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up your hand;

    forget not the afflicted.

Psalm 10:12 ESV

Sometimes, it might feel like God is reclining. Sometimes, we may want God to get up and to do something on our behalf. If we know the God of the Bible, we know that He cares for the afflicted, so we can hold Him to it.

'God helps those who help themselves' isn't necessarily Biblical. This verse for example suggests that 'God helps those who are helpless'. The afflicted are powerless to help themselves, but if God lifts up His hand, He can help them.

The Bible emphasises that God is on the side of the marginalised and needy. Widows and single mothers have an Advocate in Him. Orphans and looked after children are looked out for by Him; and immigrants have Him on side.

If we're afflicted, we should cry to God to be merciful to us. We can ask Him to arise and to lift up His hand. We can plead with Him to remember us in His graciousness.

'O LORD our God, please arise and lift up Your hand. May You remember the afflicted, for we ask in Jesus' powerful name, amen'.


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