And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.
Matthew 13:58 ESV
At first glance, this makes Jesus seem like He isn't mighty. If He can't do mighty works because of His townsfolks' unbelief, that doesn't seem impressive. Yet I suspect that's a misreading of this verse.
We already know from Matthew's account of Jesus's life that He was able to do mighty works elsewhere. Yet Jesus isn't some magician who performs 'miracles' to satisfy people's curiosity. Jesus didn't owe it to the Nazarenes to do mighty works for them. He refused to 'throw His pearls before swine'.
The Apostle John describes Jesus's mighty works as 'signs'. He didn't just do them for the sake of the people who needed healing. He did them to point to His own Divinity.
As Jesus said in an indictment against His townsfolk, 'A Prophet is not without honour, except in His hometown'. We have a similar saying in English: 'Familiarity breeds contempt'. Jesus's townsfolk presumptuously assumed they knew Him.
'Almighty Lord, please help us to believe You. May You give us the gift of faith in You, for Your glory we pray, amen'.
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