Abraham took another wife, whose name was Keturah.
Genesis 25:1 ESV
He shouldn't have bothered! He had a right to remarry because Sarah had died. Yet one of Abraham's children with Keturah was Midian.
The Midianites would become a thorn in the side of the children of Israel. There's nothing in the Bible to forbid remarriage after widowhood, but it's best if we don't bother. I suspect Abraham should have been content with his lot.
Just because we have a right to do something doesn't mean to say it is right. We may have a right to divorce, but separation is preferable. When we marry, we become one flesh with our partner.
To tear apart a marriage in divorce is a last resort. Jesus permits it in cases of adultery or even sexual immorality (Greek porneia- from which we get our word 'pornography'). Yet in an ideal world, the guilty party will repent, change and be reconciled to the wronged and hopefully forgiving partner.
'God Almighty, we thank You for the gift of marriage, but pray that we wouldn't take it lightly, but honour it as it deserves. For Your glory, amen'.
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