You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)
We're to keep our minds stayed on God, because if we get distracted by anything else, we're going to get troubled. Of course, this doesn't mean to say that we have to become hermits. We should though have a consciousness of God's trustworthiness through all the changing scenes of life.
If we focus on worst case scenarios, we're likely to worry and to become anxious. God wants us to trust in Him, and therefore to find peace. Even if we're optimistic, we're likely to become disillusioned if our hopes are dashed.
It's best to leave the outcome to God. There's no point worrying or boasting about tomorrow. Instead we should commit it to God in prayer.
God doesn't want us troubled. Life is troublesome, yet we can have serenity in knowing God's sovereign care of us. We can have confidence in Him.
'Abba in heaven, please help us to have confidence in You, and peace in knowing that You're kind to us. In Jesus' gracious name, amen'.
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