
 ' Give us today our daily bread. '

Matthew 6:11 NIV

I'm sure Jesus isn't just talking about our need for food. If we go without bread for a day, we'll survive. If we go without the Bread of life who is the Lord Jesus Christ for one day, we won't survive.

It's not even Bible reading that saves us. It's certainly not typing about the Bible that saves us. It's about trusting in Bread of life, broken for us on the cross.

We find out about the crucifixion of Christ on our behalf in the Bible, so it is important. Yet it's only if the Holy Spirit applies it to our hearts that we get to digest the Bread of life. We need Him not just daily, but every moment of our lives.

There's a sense of urgency about this request. We need the Lord every day. We can't go a day without Him.

'Heavenly Father, please provide for our needs, and help us to rely on You for everything. In Jesus' name, amen'.


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