
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Galatians 5:16 (NIV)

God doesn't necessarily expect us to run or to fight all the time spiritually. We need to keep in step with the Holy Spirit of God though. Otherwise, we'll go astray.

I love a famous quote by pioneering cobbler turned missionary William Carey. He was asked what the secret of his success was. He humbly replied, 'I can plod'.

The Christian life is a battle, to overcome the desires of the flesh, which are contrary to our souls and spirits. At times, we do need to run, to flee temptation; and to fight, to resist the devil.

Generally though, we simply need to walk by the Spirit. We don't need to rush ahead. We mustn't lag behind.

'Father God, please help us to keep in step with Your Spirit. Thank You for Him, in Jesus' name, amen'.


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