
for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.

Hebrews 4:10 (ESV)

The writer to the Hebrews suggests that Jesus has fulfilled the Sabbath command. We don't have to get all legalistic about it. We just need to rest from trying to earn God's acceptance.

God accepts us because of Jesus. He doesn't accept us because of our attempts at law keeping. It's by His grace that we're saved, through faith.

Because salvation is 100% of God, we can rest. We don't have to strive to justify ourselves before God. We just need to trust in Him.

God has set us an example. Jesus has entered into heavenly rest. By faith, we're with Him spiritually; so we don't need to try and add to His finished work.

'Dear God, please help us to rest in You, and in Christ's finished work on our behalf. In whose name we pray, amen'.


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