
 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

Mark 16:15 (NIV)

St. Francis of Assisi famously quoted this and added, 'where necessary, use words'. In reality, it's always necessary to use words. As the Apostle Paul said, 'how can people believe in someone they've never heard of?'

If we expect our lives alone to preach the gospel, how are people to know they need a Saviour? If we are Christlike but don't give Him the glory, people will just think well of us without knowing our righteousness is the work of God in our lives. It's not enough to have a form of godliness but to deny its power.

If Jesus truly rose from the dead, as He did before He spoke these words, then we ought to joyfully obey Him. Mark records Him as commanding us to go all around the world to tell the good news to everyone. We're not to be stingy with the gospel.

Because Jesus has defeated death, we can too, through faith in Him. Though we face death (unless He returns first), we will live forevermore, by trusting in Him. We will enjoy an eternity with our Lord and Saviour.

'Lord, we look forward to being with You forever. Please help us in the meantime to be faithful to make You known to others. For the honour of Your name, amen'.


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