Before destruction a man's heart is haughty, but humility comes before honour. Proverbs 18:12 ESV There's a down, up; down up pattern to this Proverb. It goes from God to us; and us to God. God will bring us down if we're haughty. As Johnny Cash sang, God's gonna cut you down. It doesn't matter whether we're paupers or princes; beggars or billionaires. We will all give an account of ourselves to the Almighty. We would do well to humble ourselves before the one who could destroy us. The humbling truth is that if we humble ourselves, God will honour us. We're not naturally honourable, but God delights to honour repentant sinners. Humility might not be honoured in the world. The meek might get trampled upon by the haughty. In eternity however wrongs are righted and we get our just deserts. 'High and exalted One, please humble us, so that we might be graciously honoured by You. For Your glory we pray, amen...