
 So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter.
2 Thessalonians 2:15 ESV

As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are to stand firm, like any well functioning family. It doesn't matter what problems beset a good family. They stick together and support one another.

We often might think of tradition as a negative thing, accruing the clutter of thousands of years of baggage. We might think of smells and bells, robes and dog collars and musty old buildings. That isn't what Paul is on about.

Paul isn't referring to externals, but to the spiritual practices of the church. We are to pray, meditate, witness of our faith to outsiders, be baptised, take communion, and so on. These are the kinds of traditions Paul is referring to.

Over the years, different interpretations of such things as baptism and communion have developed. We need to make sure our traditions are Biblical and not just the quirks we've grown accustomed to. Biblically, baptism is for believers by immersion, and communion is simply in remembrance of Christ crucified.

'Our Father in heaven, please help us to stand firm. May we hold true to Biblical traditions, and cast off any unhelpful practices. In Christ's name, amen'


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