
 Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the earth.
Genesis 11:9 ESV

The world is still pretty Babel-onian, and not just for the multiplicity of languages. People are confused as to the meaning of life. Many people think they have to construct their own meaning.

Others follow established systems that claim to build meaning into their lives. Religion however always demands the impossible. We can't keep our own standards, never mind God's.

Thankfully, there is another principle at work in the world today other than the Babel-onian one of confusion. There is the Pentecostal principle of gospel clarity. On the day of Pentecost, the outpoured Spirit of God enabled miraculous speaking of different languages.

How did the good news of Jesus spread so quickly through the world? Thanks in large part to the gift of tongues, or languages, which enabled the first Jewish disciples to communicate the gospel throughout the Eastern Roman world. How is the knowledge of God to cover the world like the waters of the seas? By Christians learning other languages to communicate the gospel.

'God, we acknowledge Your sovereignty in the confusion of the languages. Thank You though that Your Spirit can transcend such confusion and bring gospel clarity, in Christ's name, amen'


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