
 You have led in your steadfast love the people whom you have redeemed; you have guided them by your strength to your holy abode.
Exodus 15:13 ESV

I love the faith and hope in this verse, as well as the love. The children of Israel had only made it to the other side of the Red Sea on their way to the promised land. Still, having miraculously parted the Red Sea, it was a done deal that they would make it to God's holy abode.

Similarly, we talk about being saved. Our salvation doesn't reach full fruition until we enter eternity. It's already a done deal however through the death and resurrection of Christ.

Why does God bother leading and guiding us, when we so readily grumble and wander astray? It's because of His unfailing love for us in the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved us, and gave Himself for us. We need to keep in step with His Spirit.

'I'm redeemed, yes I am, by the blood of the Lamb: Jesus Christ has done it all for me'. It's not by our strength that we'll make it to the new creation. It is by the infinite strength of God in Christ, working in us by His Spirit.

'Father in heaven, thank You for redeeming us by the blood of Christ. Help us trust You for the journey, knowing the glorious end is assured, in His name we pray, amen'


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