
 And they went and woke him, saying, "Save us, Lord; we are perishing."
Matthew 8:25 ESV

Actors often portray Jesus as some kind of unflappable spirit being as though nothing phased Him. The gospels however refuse to gloss over His humanity. This verse shows just how exhausted Jesus must have been physically.

You don't have a nap on a boat in a storm unless you're shattered! Often, we pine after celebrity status for ourselves, but clearly Jesus's celebrity status was wearing Him out humanly speaking. Even His closest followers gave Him no rest!

His disciples, seasoned fishermen though many of them were, went to the right place for help in a raging storm. Jesus spoke, and the storm was stilled. He has authority even over the natural elements.

It's not just literal storms that Jesus can calm. Whatever storms we may be going through in our lives, Jesus can calm them with a word. Even if He doesn't immediately still our storms, He's with us in the midst by His Holy Spirit, even if it feels like He's asleep!

'Dear God, please pour out Your Spirit upon us and give us peace in the midst of our storms. Thank You for Your authority and willingness to save, in Christ's name, amen'


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