
 Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am he."
John 4:26 ESV

One of Jesus's clearest revelations of Himself as the Jewish Messiah, the Christ, the Saviour, wasn't even to a Jew. She was a Samaritan woman who'd been pretty prodigal in how many men she'd had. She wasn't even married when Jesus met her, just cohabiting.

Devout Jewish men wouldn't talk to women outside their tight knit circles, never mind foreign ones. Samaritans were a bit like the traveller, or 'Gypsy' communities in the UK- not very well respected. Jesus wasn't afraid to break social taboos however.

What started off with Him innocently asking for a drink ended with Him declaring Himself the Saviour. He must have seemed an unlikely Saviour, tired as He was from His journey, and dependant on the Samaritan woman to quench His thirst.

Still, Jesus promised to quench her spiritual thirst, a void she was clearly trying in vain to fill with men. Her response was to testify of Him to her village, where she was probably a pariah (them being more conservative days). The whole village believed in Christ because of her testimony.

'Dear Lord, please quench our spiritual thirst. Help us to trust in You as the Saviour of the world and of us, for Your glory and honour we pray, amen'


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