
 For I was in terror of calamity from God, and I could not have faced his majesty.
Job 31:23 ESV

We might often hear of the exemplary Proverbs thirty one woman, but we don't hear nearly enough of her male counterpart: the Job thirty one man. This verse gives us the secret of his success. He had so much integrity because of his fear of the Lord.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Job was a wise man, who promised himself not to lust after women, to defraud his workers, to worship anything other than God etc. In every area of his life he displayed integrity.

Was Job's fear of the Lord misplaced? After all, He faced calamity anyway, never mind trying to avoid it by living well! Maybe his motivation wasn't perfect, but he avoided the everlasting calamity of hell.

Even as it was, Job could barely face his Majesty, the Lord. It was only because his Redeemer lives that he could face God. Even so, he would find the experience awe inspiring.

'Everlasting God, may we have the same kind of integrity as Job. May we fear You as we ought, and love You as You first loved us, for Jesus' sake, amen'


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