
 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.
John 3:19 ESV

The Man who told us not to judge (or we will be judged) isn't afraid to judged. His judgement is that even though He came into the world as a light, people loved darkness rather than light. Why? Because their works were evil.

Jesus isn't talking about natural light. There were no electric lights in His earthly days. He's referring to spiritual light, or goodness.

The light of goodness is contrasted with the darkness of evil. Jesus came so that evil people can be reconciled to God. Sadly, most of universally sinful humanity has rejected Him.

Most people admit that Jesus is good. But they refuse to come into the light and live for Him. They would rather pursue evil. Those who do come to Him, He will in no way cast out.

'Light of the world, may we come to You and Your goodness from the darkness of our sins. Please forgive us for times we chose evil over righteousness. For Your honour we pray, amen'


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