
Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.

Romans 12:12 (NLT)

Christianity isn't just 'pie in the sky when we die'. It's also 'steak on a plate while we wait'. The hope that God gives isn't just a 'cross your fingers' kind of hope, but a living hope.

We might hope that our sports team wins. That's not a very secure hope, even if our sports team is successful. The hope that God gives is based on Jesus's defeat of death, so it's more definitive than just some vague hope for something good.

Hope is like joy's parent. If we're hopeful, we'll inevitably be joyful as well. They go together like cheese and wine!

Troubles are sadly inevitable in this life. Paul calls the Roman church, and ourselves as well, to be patient in the midst of troubles. In this world, we will have troubles, but we can be encouraged that Jesus has overcome the world.

'Dear Lord, please help us to persevere in prayer, in the midst of troubles and in joyful hope of deliverance. In our Saviour's name, amen'


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