10. Genealogy
10. (Joseph) and Mary A casual reading of Luke and Matthew's genealogies of Jesus would raise the question of who Joseph's father was, Jacob or Heli? But as we have heard, a popular tradition is that Luke records Mary's family tree and Matthew records Joseph's. Ultimately, Jesus wasn't born from a man, but through the Holy Spirit of God. John promises us that we can become adopted by God, born again by His Holy Spirit. In a similar way, the eternal Son of God was born not as a result of an earthly father's decision that he wanted a child. Instead, Jesus was born in order that God could save His people from their sins. This is where, whatever our family trees might be, we can become adopted into the family of God, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. As Peter says, once we might not have been a people, most of us are probably Gentiles, but now we can become the people of God. Maybe we feel as hopeless as Tamar must have felt. Perhaps we feel as fearful as