Psalm 1 ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’ is the title of a film starring Will Smith, but it’s also what a lot of people assume the meaning of life is. We all want to be happy, so it seems to make sense to pursue happiness. The problem is that happiness is an emotion which comes and goes. Pursuing happiness is a bit like chasing the wind, it’s a very hard thing to do! A better way to live would be to pursue God, because He is the Source of happiness, joy, and blessedness. Psalm 1 is all about happiness, joy, and blessedness. The Psalms in general are literally and metaphorically at the heart of the Bible. They are song lyrics to help us worship God. We might assume then that Psalm 1 is full of ‘hallelujahs’, ‘praise the Lord’, ‘let everything that has breath praise the Lord’, ‘let all that is within me praise his holy name’. Perhaps surprisingly, Psalm 1 is more about blessedness, joy, and happiness. God wants us to be happy to praise and worship Him. Nonetheless, there are Ps...