

Hebrews 12:2 ESV

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Jesus was known as a ‘man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering’. Yet He was also a joyful man, even during His earthly sojourn. Even though He knew He was headed for the shameful cross, He knew what lay beyond.

Before Jesus could be crowned with glory, He had to wear a crown of thorns. We must take up our crosses and follow Him. He has won glory for us, but there’s suffering to be had before we get there.

God can turn shameful things like suffering, persecution and even crucifixion into how we will be glorified. By the cross of Christ, we can have our shamefulness dealt with. By His resurrection and ascension, we too can be glorified.

Like Peter on the sea of Galilee, if we fix our eyes on Jesus, we can stand. If we look away, we will drown if Jesus doesn’t catch us and redirect our gaze back upon Himself. Thankfully, our salvation depends on Jesus, not upon the quality of how we look to Him.

‘Father God, please help us to focus upon our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, our King of kings and our Deliverer. In His name we pray, amen’


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