
 I rejoice in following Your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.
Psalm 119:14

Following God's statues might not be equated to winning the lottery by most people, but it was to David. As king of Israel, he had access to great riches. Yet obeying God's word is what really mattered to him.

Riches are here today and gone tomorrow. God's word on the other hand endured forever. You can go figure which is more valuable.

Give riches to a fool, and he will squander them. Give God's word to a fool, and he has the opportunity, potential, and ability to become wise. A wise man is far more interested in serving the Lord than in gaining greater riches.

Give great riches to a wise man, and he's likely to invest it in the Kingdom of God, rather than hording it for himself. We can't take anything with us when we go, so there's no point hanging on to anything tightly, except our faith in God. We don't need to be rich to live fulfilled lives in Christ.

'Heavenly Father, we rejoice at the great riches of Your word. Please help us to follow it as You deserve. In Christ's name, amen'


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