
 I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.
Psalm 119:11

Davis never graduated from Sunday School. What many from Christian homes only so as children, David continued to do  He memorised Scripture.

The Bible isn't just a nice book to read once and then to forget. We're to write it on the tablet of our hearts. Jesus Himself memorised Scripture.

Memorisation of Scripture isn't just something to do for fun. It's to guard us against sinning against God. Jesus quoted memorised Scripture when tempted by the devil.

The word of God is the sword of the Spirit. When satan attacks us, we need to counter him with the Bible. We need to know it well, because he will try to twist it against us. When he does so, we need to rightly handle the word of truth to bring it back ground in satan who seeks to twist it.

'Dear God, please help us to memorised Your word as an armoury against the evil one. For Your honour and praise, amen'.


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