
 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Matthew 13:44 ESV

There's at least two possible ways of reading this parable. I don't think it's necessarily a choice between right and wrong ways of reading it. It might be two different but similarly valid truths.

I think our gut reaction when reading Scripture (naturally selfish that we are) is to apply it to ourselves. If we were to do that with this parable, we would picture ourselves as the man who gives up everything else for the treasure. In that case, the moral of the story is that God's Kingdom is worth giving up everything for.

Probably a better way of reading this parable is a Christocentric one. He is the man who gives up everything, even His very life, for the Kingdom of God. Jesus is the King who dies for His people rather than to necessarily demand our deaths for Him.

Just like a hidden treasure, the gospel doesn't necessarily make the mainstream media headlines. It's more like a grassroots movement that gets overlooked by the highfalutin. Not until the new creation will God's Kingdom be seen in all its glory.

'Our God and King, thank You for Your Kingdom, which is worth giving up everything for. Help us to realise how immeasurably valuable it is to be Your people. For the glory of Your name, amen'


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