
 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:17 ESV

I heard a great talk on Sunday about staying in God's box. Doesn't sound very freeing does it?! Yet think of Noah's ark. It might have felt restrictive to him, but it was only there that there was safety from the global flood.

Jesus is the spiritual ark of God. In Him there may be restrictions from harmful things. Yet ultimately, there is freedom from death, darkness, destruction and despair.

Think of sport. Great sportspeople play within the restrictions of the rules. Yet within those confines, they play with great freedom.

So it is with the Holy Spirit. Working in partnership with our consciences and the Bible, He keeps us from things that aren't good for us. Instead, He empowers us to live in the freedom that Christ has bought for us by His shed blood.

'Sovereign Lord, thank You for the freedom we enjoy through Your Holy Spirit and in Christ our Saviour. Help us to use our freedom to honour You. In Jesus' name we pray, amen'


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