
 Do not remember against us our former iniquities; let your compassion come speedily to meet us, for we are brought very low.
Psalm 79:8 ESV

Iniquities are the stains of our sins, that pollute and marr us. Thankfully, God can atone for our sins and cover us in the cleansing blood of Jesus. We find it nigh on impossible to forget our grievous sins, but God is able to.

If all was well with us, we possibly wouldn't feel the need for God's compassion. If we forget our own iniquities, we might delude ourselves that we're alright as we are. Yet we always need God's compassion.

I love the description of Jesus's feelings when a great crowd gatecrashed His attempt to grieve John the Baptist's murder by king Herod. He was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus sees through our facades of having it all together, and longs to actually make us whole.

When we're brought low, we're more likely to cry out to God. If all is well, we're more likely to feel self sufficient. The truth is that we can't do anything without God: we need Him!

'Compassionate God, thank You for caring for us and dealing with our sins at the cross of Christ. Please restore us to Yourself, in His name, amen'


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