
 "'You shall have no other gods before me.
Deuteronomy 5:7 ESV

If the most important commandments is to love God wholeheartedly, then the first of the ten commandments is pretty important too. We can't reserve any space in our hearts for any false god.

Of course, no one tends to admit worshipping a false god. Yet anything we put in the place of the One True God is a false god. No wonder the next commandment is about idolatry, making something that might be good into a 'god' thing that we worship.

Take money for example. There's nothing wrong with it as such. Yet Jesus said we can't serve both God and Mammon/money/stuff/material things. Money makes a good servant, but a terrible master.

The only One who should be Master of our souls is the Lord God Almighty of the Bible. He is our Maker, so it's only natural that He should be our Master too. Amazingly, Jesus reveals God not just as a Master, but as a loving heavenly Father.

'Heavenly Father, may we worship You alone as we ought to. Thank You that we can be adopted into Your family, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray, amen'


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