
 What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun?
Ecclesiastes 1:3 ESV

It's a rhetorical question, but the answer is implied by the context. Everything in this world is ultimately meaningless, Solomon despairingly declares. So hard labour is essentially pointless, Solomon seems to argue.

Why might Solomon's inplication be right? If we think about it, we came into the world with nothing, and we leave with nothing. So all we strive for in this life we can't take with us.

Of course, Solomon isn't telling us to go on the dole! Work is important for us to do. It's just not the meaning of life.

I'm reminded of the message on the gates of Auchwitz, the Nazi death camp: 'work brings freedom'. The Bible teaches that this is a lie. Only faith in the Jewish Messiah Jesus brings true and lasting freedom.

'O Lord, thank You for the freedom that we find in You. Don't let us seek ultimate purpose in work, for if we do, we'll be disappointed. In Christ's name we pray, amen'


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