
 Up to this word they listened to him. Then they raised their voices and said, "Away with such a fellow from the earth! For he should not be allowed to live."
Acts 22:22 ESV

Testimonies are powerful. People can argue against philosophies until the cows come home, It's hard to argue against someone's experience though.

Paul had been arrested by the Romans in Jerusalem, which was a blessing in disguise because a mob was baying for his blood. Instead of cowardly hiding in the Roman barracks, Paul addressed the mob by sharing his testimony. It was his insistence that God had called him to speak the good news to the Gentiles that was the final straw for the murderous crowd.

Of course, racism is never justified. Yet the Jews had been scarred by the brutal Roman occupation, and had no love for Gentiles. As far as they were concerned, they were God's people.

A modern equivalent could be a Ukrainian Christian telling his fellow countrymen that God has called him to preach good news to Russians. Understandably, his fellow countrymen would be outraged. He would be seen to be a traitor. Like Paul, he would simply be following his Lord's great commission to go and make Him known.

'Almighty God, may we faithfully proclaim You to all and sundry, even if others are outraged by us. Thank You for Paul's example, in the name of our Lord and Saviour, amen'


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