
 Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.
Luke 17:26 ESV

Quite apart from the catastrophe of a global flood in the days of Noah, life was pretty ordinary right up to the moment the rain began to fall. People were buying and selling, marrying and giving in marriage etc. It wasn't all as apocalyptic as we might expect.

Jesus's point is that the last day will dawn as any other day. There will be a mundane element to life in the run up to His return. Elsewhere, He describes His second advent as Him breaking into this world like a thief in the night.

When Jesus returns, people will still be buying and selling, marrying and giving in marriage. Not everyone will be fleeing to the hills. He'll take most people by surprise.

We the people of God shouldn't be taken by surprise by Christ's return. We should expectantly await His arrival to judge the living and the dead. We ought to be ready to welcome our Lord and Saviour.

'Dear Lord, thank You for the notice of Your return. May we be ready for that great day when it arrives, for Your honour and praise we pray, amen'


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