
 You shall have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:3 ESV

We might not think we're guilty of worshipping false gods. Maybe we don't worship Islamic or Hindu gods. The first and second of the ten commandments are linked however.

Idolatry, which the second commandment prohibits, has been described as 'turning a good thing into a god thing'. There's not necessarily anything wrong with the likes of health, wealth and happiness. If we idolise them however, they are like gods to us.

The one true God is alone worthy of our worship. If we live for other things, even if they're good things like family and friends; food and fun, we are guilty of breaking the ten commandments. Even if we only break one law, it's like a ladder to heaven whereby even if we miss one rung, we fall flat on our faces, back to square one.

Science is a god to many nowadays. We have slavishly 'followed the science' of soothsaying forecasters throughout this pandemic. We should have been crying out to God to deliver us.

'God, thank You for good things like health, science and family. May we never idolise them however, but worship You alone, for Your glory we pray, amen'


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