
 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.
Galatians 4:7 ESV

We might often think of ourselves as servants of God. But He doesn't need us to serve Him. In fact, He has served us with salvation.

Rather than slaves, God has adopted us as His children. We might wonder why Paul specifies us as sons rather than sons and daughters. In that time, women had less rights than men. So by specifying us, men and women, as sons of God, Paul was emphasising our equal rights before God.

Growing up, there might not appear to be much difference between a son and a slave, an ungrateful son might suggest. But although the son has to do chores around the house, he has a great inheritance to look forward to. A slave has no such hope.

We are heirs of eternal life. When we inherit from earthly fathers, we don't get to enjoy our inheritance with them. But with our Heavenly Father, we get to enjoy eternal life with Him.

'Father in heaven, may we trust You to bring us safe to our eternal rest, to enjoy with You forever, in the name of Jesus we pray, amen'


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