
 He said, "The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
2 Samuel 22:2 ESV

Who is God to you? A distant and impersonal force way out there in the universe? A strict schoolmaster? A kindly grandfather?

To David, the Lord was his rock. Rocks are solid, they're dependable, they provide shade and security. David was used to hiding in rocky crags from murderous king Saul, so the analogy was particularly meaningful to him.

God was David's fortress, his safe place. The Lord is our shield and our defender. We don't go forth alone against the foe.

The Lord was David's deliverer. Ultimately it wasn't literal rocks and fortresses that delivered David from Saul. At the end of the day, God Himself delivered David from all his foes, and He'll deliver us too if we trust Him.

'O Lord our God, may You prove to be our rock, fortress and deliverer, as You were to David, for Jesus' sake, amen'


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