

We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.

Romans 15:1 ESV

Spiritual strength isn't synonymous with physical, emotional or mental strength. I would define it as not necessarily having a doctorate in Biblical studies. Instead, I suspect what Paul is referring to is Christlike integrity. 

Jesus didn't come across as a particularly strong man in the world's eyes. He was a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. He was known to weep as well as to rejoice at other times. 

Having a stiff upper lip isn't spiritual strength, that is emotional frigidity. That's not what God calls us to. But God does call us to be people of the Book. We need to be men and women not necessarily of our own words, but certainly who align our lives to the Word of God. 

Spiritual weakness might include moral failings and doubts about faith. If we're strong though, we're not to trample on the weak, but to bear with them, and support them. It's not all about us and our strength. It's about strengthening one another in Christ. 

'Father God, may You strengthen us, not for our sakes, but in order that we might strengthen others. To Your praise and honour, amen'


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