I was originally going to call this chapter 'what really matters', but that makes it sound like all the other things I've addressed don't really matter. Of course character, education, vocation and pastimes matter. They don't matter as much as eternity though. Your experience of those four things might be bad (hopefully not!). Even so, you could still gain eternal life. Perhaps you'll have unrighteous characters. Yet Jesus promised that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be happily filled with it. You might get a good education (hopefully). Most importantly, may you be able to echo John Newton's dying words, 'I don't know much, but I know I'm a great sinner, and Christ is a great Saviour'. Maybe you'll have poorly paid jobs, although I would like to think you'll be paid well for good jobs. 'Blessed are the poor' Jesus said, 'for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven'. We're to love God wholeheartedly, an...