My Dear Daughters: Chapter 1: 'What's in a Name?'

 For starters, I want to explain why we named you as we did.

Grace, our firstborn, your name means 'an undeserved gift', and that is exactly who you are to us. I personally feel like I've squandered my precious gift by being absent, but I never want to take you for granted again. I'm sorry I've not treasured you as I ought.

Gloria reminds you of your life's purpose: to glorify the Lord God Almighty, your Creator and Sustainer. If you trust in Him, you will know Him as your Lord and Saviour. He is worthy of all glory as your Master and Maker and as the Sovereign King over all.

Izaka means that in God, you lack no good thing. He provides for your every need. He is worthy even if He didn't look after us, but that He's looking after sinners like us is a wonderful mercy.

What can I say about my first fruits? Your teachers gave you good reports. As your (admittedly biased) dad, I'm delighted to say that I can honestly give you an excellent report. I know you'd rather have my presence than just words on a page, but this is the best I can do for now.

One thing I might disagree with your reception teacher about is her description of you as 'quiet'! Maybe you were at school, but I like to think you feel you can be yourself at home. You're not too noisy, but you're a lively young lady who loves to make your sisters laugh, and you're usually successful. You're funny and have a good sense of humour.

I love how you don't tend to joke at your sisters' expense. You don't tend to mock. On the contrary, you have a kind and caring nature. Your sisters are blessed to have you looking out for them.

You're such an affectionate person that the remembrance of you warms my heart. I feel bad that I used to complain about staying in your room till you slept: it was an honour that I wasn't worthy of. There's some truth to the saying that you don't appreciate what you've got till it's gone.

I was honoured to be one of the first people to cast eyes on you and your full head of hair! I even got to cut the cord. I remember crying (for joy of course) at your birth, and also feeling woefully inadequate to be your father- how sadly right I was!

When newly pregnant Joy asked me if I was ready to be a dad, I optimistically replied that I was sure I would be when the time came. She urgently replied by telling me that the time had already come!

I remember being overwhelmed as I watched over your newborn self, that my love for you paled into insignificance compared to the fathomless love of our heavenly Father for us.

You have been counting the cost of following the Lord Jesus Christ. You've expressed a desire for baptism. Yet you also wrestle with the distinctiveness that Christ demands of His followers (not celebrating evil at Halloween for example).

I pray that you come to the wholehearted realisation that Jesus is worth everything. He gave His life for you. If you give your life to Him, He will never let you down.

My greatest joy would be that God gives you the gift of faith in Him. Then we will enjoy an eternity together, united in the praise of our Lord and Saviour. The woes of this present age will pale into insignificance in the light of eternity.

Here's a disclaimer: I won't love you any less if you don't believe in Jesus- I just want what's best for you. Nothing and no-one is better than Jesus. Nothing and no-one is worthy of His rightful place in your heart.


Nicole: Victory of the people! Your name came as a surprise to me- we had something else in mind- but Joy informed me when you were born that you are Nicole, and I happily agreed. Joy was like Zechariah naming his son John!

I hope your name will accurately describe our family: no pressure! I hope that although at present we're struggling, we will be united in Christ. Ultimately, it's in Him that we have the victory over all that is against us as people, sin, death, hell and the devil.

More personally for you Nicole, I pray that you will be victorious over sin, death, hell and the devil. There's no pressure on you, because it's in Jesus that we have the victory over all our enemies.

Chimamanda isn't just a catchy song by Mr Flavour, or a celebrated author! More fundamentally, God never fails. I have failed you terribly; God will never cease to be faithful to you. Don't become embittered towards the Almighty because of me: easier said than done I grant you.

It was a miracle that I got to witness your entry into the world! If you were born the day Joy's waters broke, she wouldn't have been allowed a birthing partner. You see, you were a lockdown baby, a product of the crazy covid era.

You're 'as bright as a button' as I like to put it; I love the spark in your eyes. You were always a very thankful pray-er. Most movingly to me, you thanked God for Jesus dying on the cross. I guess we'll never fully understand the unfathomable love of God, but never lose your thankfulness!

When Jill dedicated you to God on a Living Hope Church video call, she talked about you singing praises to God. Already you enjoy Holy Forever by Chris Tomlin for example; the Goodness of God by Cece Winans, and Hosanna by CalledOut Music. Long may it continue!

To be totally honest, Joy and I sometimes called you a lioness, or less flatteringly a volcano. I hope, like Habakkuk, you can take your keen sense of justice to God in prayerful complaint!


Serena, for the six months or so that I knew you, you were true to your name. You were pretty serene and chilled out. I'm sure you'll continue to live up to your name.

Amarachi, the grace of God, is what we need to receive to find the meaning of life. Even gracious you need the grace of God. I trust that you will discover Him, if not me.

Dorothy, you are a gift of God that I hope I haven't lost for a lifetime. You're also named after my maternal grandma who your mum had the joy of meeting before Dorothy Senior died.

I'm so sorry I'm not there for you. May you know God as your Good, Good Father who will always be there for you and will never abandon you.

At your birth you were taken from Joy and put on oxygen for half an hour whilst I prayed over you. I praise God for answering my prayer for your life.


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