Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." Genesis 2:18 ESV God isn't just one mathematical being. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three persons united in love. That being so, it is no surprise that God said that man shouldn't be alone. For mankind to be made in the image and likeness of God, we cannot just be man, we have to be woman too. Mankind is not complete without women. It reminds me of the old song that goes through all the things men have invented, but they wouldn't mean anything without women. As they say, 'behind every great man is a woman'. I'm not saying that every man needs a wife. Jesus Himself didn't have a wife. Jeremiah certainly didn't either, and there's no mention of wives for many old testament prophets. Even if we're not all called to marry, we are all called to community. 'No man is an island...