
So Jesus again said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
John 10:7 ESV

It's a simple, humble image: a door or gate for sheep. But the Son of God isn't too proud to be a source of security and boundary for His sheep. Being sheep might be a humble image of ourselves, but if we're honest, it's apt!

A door, or gate for sheep provides security for sheep. If any predator or thief wants to get to us, they need to go through the Lord Jesus Christ. We're safe as long as we stick with Him.

Not only does Jesus provide security but also discipline for us. There's no excuses for going astray when Jesus is the door. We need to stick with Him. When He calls us to rest, we should, and when He sends us out to pasture, we should go.

Jesus is our safe place. He looks after us. He is our good Shepherd. He'll never let us down.

'Lord God, thank You for Jesus looking after us. Please continue with us, until You call us home. In Christ's name, amen'


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