
 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.
2 Corinthians 4:3 ESV

The gospel isn't complicated. The good news is that we can turn from our hell bound ways and become part of God's Kingdom of light, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Sadly, that truth is veiled to many.

The truth is veiled partly because those of us who know it are apathetic and/or fearful to proclaim it to others. Also however, people don't like being told they're hell bound if they don't repent. Satan likes to deceive people that they're doing alright, thank you very much.

The scary thing for unbelievers is that if the gospel is veiled to them, that is because they are perishing. ''Aren't we all heading for the grave?' you might ask. Those who trust in Christ don't have death as their destination. Instead, we are delivered to eternal life.

So if you don't believe me, take the veil off! Try and look through eyes of faith, with a heavenly perspective. Ultimately we need God to remove the blindfold and miraculously heal our spiritual blindness.

'God Almighty, please remove any obstacle to faith we may have. Please grant us entry into Your glorious Kingdom of light, for Your name's sake, amen'


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