
 Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

Psalm 34:14 (ESV)

Jesus described His own followers as evil. He didn't leave it at that though: He called them to turn away from evil and to do good. It's not enough to just not do evil, we need to positively do good.

Turning has two elements to it. We need to turn from something to something. In this case, we need to turn from evil to do good.

We're to seek peace. It doesn't come naturally. We have to find it.

Once we've found peace, we have to pursue it. Peace is shy and doesn't put itself forward. Conflict is inevitable, peace needs to be pursued.

'Righteous Father, please help us to turn away from evil and to do good. May we seek peace, pursue it, and find it, for Your honour and praise we pray, amen'.


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